Almuñécar Town Hall says that it is going to do something about the urbanizaciones built in the 90s without being connected to the municipal sewage system.
Work has begun in La Herradura on Calle Balandro in the Rambla del Espinar area of the village: up comes the road surface, down go the pipes.
The First Councillor for La Herradura, ‘camera-shy’ Juan José Ruiz Joya, says that he is bemused by an opposition ‘idea.’
Well, it doesn’t look like Salobreña will be getting the long-awaited bus station any time soon, unfortunately. The Junta de Andalucía didn’t include any funds in the regional budget leaving the Salobreña PP and PSOE to blame each other for this disappointment.
The regional Ministry for Agriculture has committed one million euros to help companies and villages within the Alpujarra area. The Delegate for Agriculture made this announcement at a meeting in the Honey Regulating Board offices in Lanjarón.
Now onto what’s wrong around town… The Mayor, Carlos Rojas, or ‘Charlie Red’ if you prefer, which is an embarrassing colour affiliation for a conservative, of course – has admitted that there is no proposed date for public construction work to prevent further flooding in the municipality.