A man died after he lost control of his motorbike and collided with a crash barrier on the N-323 within the municipality of Velez de Benaudalla.
Tag Archive for crash barrier
Lucky Escape
by Hugh MacArthur •
N-340 Bridge Road Accident
by Hugh MacArthur •
German Driver Killed on A-7
by Vivienne Hughes •
Vélez-Benaudalla Car Accident
by Hugh MacArthur •
Car Plunges Down Barranco
by Hugh MacArthur •
Scary Bend Offends
by Martin Myall •
Anybody who has driven down from the Punta de la Mona junction by the iron cactus, down El Camino Real and attempted to turn right to access Barrio Espinar from the top will have had a shaky moment, trying to haul their car round the tight bend with the nasty drop.The