Tag Archive for Axel Thieke

Wine Wonders

Many observational studies have shown that moderate alcohol drinkers have lower rates of diabetes and cardiovascular problems than do nondrinkers or heavy drinkers.

Here We Go Again

The new year and a good old cold… We hope you have recovered enough from welcoming this new and unique 2016 – let it be a healthy, happy and successful one. Be aware that it’s not the stars but the mind which determines this. And the mind needs – Sleep! Previous research has suggested that…

Ladies Only

One has become increasingly aware of the potential harms of screening mammography, while remaining cognizant that much of the drop in breast cancer mortality is due to advances in treatment.

War on Carbs

Low-carbohydrate diets are increasingly popular, but concerns have arisen that such diets, compared with traditional low-fat diets might have adverse cardiovascular consequences.

No-Food for Thought

Food is a potent inducer of metabolic responses (and pleasure ). Specific nutrients enhance muscle action, while others boost appetite or modulate inflammatory responses. On the other hand, caloric restriction under normal conditions ( 20 to 40 % fewer calories than required ) has been shown to protect against the development of chronic diseases. ( To highlight this : there was hardly any diabetes or gout in post-war Germany ) Exploiting the differential effects of food or its absence during disease may be one strategy to enhance the efficacy of drug therapies.

Pro-Probiotics – Anti-Antibiotics

Bacteria had to compete with a standard antibiotic for the best treatment option of repeated urinary tract infections (UTI).Bacteria had to compete with a standard antibiotic for the best treatment option of repeated urinary tract infections (UTI).

Dutch researchers conducted a randomized placebo-controlled trial that involved 250 postmenopausal women (an age group at higher risk) with histories of at least three UTIs in the previous year. The women received either a standard dose of the antibiotic Trimethprim-Sulfamethoxazole once at night time or a standard dose of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri twice daily.
Dutch researchers conducted a randomized placebo-controlled trial that involved 250 postmenopausal women (an age group at higher risk) with histories of at least three UTIs in the previous year. The women received either a standard dose of the antibiotic Trimethprim-Sulfamethoxazole once at night time or a standard dose of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus reuteri twice daily.