Axel E. Thieke G.P.

Small is Beautiful

Traditional vaccines take a long time to produce in large amounts no matter if they are ‘tamed’ live-vaccines or
dead-microbe vaccines. This is a particular problem when epidemics emerge suddenly.

Wine Wonders

Many observational studies have shown that moderate alcohol drinkers have lower rates of diabetes and cardiovascular problems than do nondrinkers or heavy drinkers.

Here We Go Again

The new year and a good old cold… We hope you have recovered enough from welcoming this new and unique 2016 – let it be a healthy, happy and successful one. Be aware that it’s not the stars but the mind which determines this. And the mind needs – Sleep! Previous research has suggested that…

Who is Who & Who is I?

Each of us is colonized, inside and out, by microorganisms. More than three pounds of microorganisms in our gut alone, and many more on our skin. In fact, we harbor ten microbial cells for every one of our own cells.

Listen to Goya

Apart from those more general considerations, it is known that certain viral infections can beat the path for cancer. An estimated 15% of all cancers can be explained this way.

Ladies Only

One has become increasingly aware of the potential harms of screening mammography, while remaining cognizant that much of the drop in breast cancer mortality is due to advances in treatment.