The Aquario on Plaza Kuwait in Almuñécar, or better said the square itself, has had a rocky existence since it was first built.
School kids in the Madrid have been suffering from mild heatstroke in their classrooms this past week owing to this premature heatwave.
A broken aircon unit and a lack of staff are the reasons that the Town Hall has given for the temporarily closing two museums in Motril.
It couldn’t have happened at a worse time, with summer upon them; Restaurante La Farola in Morche has been gutted by fire.
This season, IPS has a great offer: WiFi-controlled aircon units from Samsung! Wifi allows you to control the temperature in your house via your smartphone (Android/iPhone), wherever you might be.
When the company, Blue Displays, abandoned the Almuñécar Aquarium, it was in a ruinous state. Considering that it had only been built five years previously, it was just as much shoddy original construction work, as insufficient maintenance.