Officer Found Guilty

An Almuñécar law court has found an officer belonging to the Policía Local guilty of causing bodily harm to an elderly woman.

The incident took place on the 24th of Maylast year around 09.00h when a 71-year-old woman alighted from a local bus from La Herradura at the bus stop on the Carrera de La Concepción; i.e., in front of the fountain with the very large flag on it.

The bus had not been able to stop correctly in the allotted space as a patrol car was parked there. The woman had pointed out that the officers had set a fine example to other drivers over parking, addressing nobody in particular.

She said this just as the officers were walking out of the bar where they had just had breakfast and were being recriminated by severak people at the bus stop for leaving their car there. They drove off but stopped at the zebra crossing where the victim was standing.

One of the officers gestured rudely (in the words of witnesses) for her to approach the car, which she refused and said that if they wanted to speak to her, they should get out of the car and do so. The officer responded, “Who the hell do you think you are?” He demanded her ID and told her to get into the car.

She refused show her ID or get into the car and told them to be a little more respectful and show some manners. At this point the officer grabbed hold of her and attempted to drag her into the car but she anchored herself to a street sign. The officer continued to tug at her, injuring her shoulder.

The officer finally managed to prize her off the sign and continued to attempt to get her into the car, but she kept a leg out so that he could not close the door. The officer began to kick at her leg and slammed the door on it.

The next day she reported the officers to the Guardia Civil and consequently a trial was held on the 21st of January this month. The judge sentenced the officer to a fine equivalent to three months at 30 euros a day, which is roughly 2,700 euros. The officer also have to pay 1,000 euros in compensation to the victim.

Editorial comment: these two officers should be expelled from the police force as they evidently consider that they can do what the hell they want, both by parking illegally so that they could merely have breakfast and for treating a retired woman in this fashion.

Furthermore, I believe that I recall personally having witnessed a patrol car parked precisely there with the officers inside the bar having lunch. I don’t know whether it was the same two officers.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: Bus Stop, Police Car, Parked Causing an Obstruction, Officers, Found Guilty, Bodily Harm

news, andalucia, granada, costa tropical, almunecar, bus stop, police car, parked causing an obstruction, officers, found guilty, bodily harm

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