The Almuñécar Councillor for the Environment, Lucía González, said that people could park on the Paseo Blas Infante, every day except market days: Fridays and Sundays.
On the said market days, parking is restored from 17.00h on both days, giving the company used for municipal cleaning, FCC, time to clean the square.

Both markets conclue at 14.00h and stallholders have an hour to pack up and move out, therefore the cleaning company has from 15.00h until 17.00h to tidy up the square, removing all the rubbish.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
Keywords: Paseo Blas Infante, Friday Market, Sunday Market, Parking, FCC Cleaning Company, Councillor for the Environment, Lucía González
news, andalucia, granada, costa tropical, almunecar, paseo blas infante, friday market, sunday market, parking, fcc cleaning company, councillor for the environment, lucía gonzález