Arrested on The Beach

La Guardia Civil arrested 14 illegal immigrants who had just come ashore from a RIB on the Costa Tropical.

It arrived around 18.00h on Friday in a small cove on the eastern side of the Peñón de La Rijana, within the municipality of Castell de Ferro (Gualchos). It stood clear a few meters whilst the occupants splashed ashore.

But thanks to the coastal radar and infra-red system (SIVE) the police were there waiting for them. They were taken to the Red Cross post in the Port of Motril, who provided medical check-ups, as well as food and drink.

According to the volunteers, all 14 are in good health and none the worse for the crossing from North Africa in an open craft from a beach near Nador.

Illegal immigrants spend 72 hours in the custody of the Policía Nacional where the police will attempt to establish their idendity before they are taken to the CADE the immigrant temporary holding centre in Motril.

(News: Castell de Ferro, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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