A second violent incident in the province of Toledo occurred on Saturday, this time involving an 11-year-old boy who was stabbed and killed by a masked assailant in the football grounds of Mocejón (Toledo).
A football match between a group of boys was going on when the assailant burst onto the pitch of the stadium armed with a blade weapon and ran after a group of young boys who had scattered.
Most evaded him except for the victim, with whom him caught up and fatally stabbed him. The knifeman then fled the grounds and escaped in a car.
An air-ambulance helicopter soon arrived as well as a local ambulance but nothing could be done for the child. The parents, tipped off by somebody at the ground, rushed to the scene of the stabbing only to be told that their son was dead.
The Guardia Civil immediately threw a cordon around the area to intercept the assailant using ten patrol cars but despite further efforts have so far not been able to detain the suspect.
The lad and his group of friends had been playing football, as they often do there when the attack happened.
The Prime Minister of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, said that he has been deeply affected by the death of the boy and expressed his condolences to the family via his Twitter account.
Editorial comment: need we look further than the existence of Social Media and the intoxicating hate spread through its channel to explain this sort of anomaly? Whether its three young girls stabbed in the UK or this boy in Spain, these incidents will be used to further extremist ideologies.
(News: Mocejón, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha)
Reader’s comment: “extremist ideologues are always the ones that want to limit free speech. The suspect clearly has mental health issues, what does that have to do with social media?” – Cormack K
Martin: What followed in the UK after somebody with obvious mental issues stabbed to death three girls had everything to do with social media or shall we pretend that it didn’t? Through what channels are we to imagine that the word spread to take to the streets and attack a mosque, for example?
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