Darth Vader Mugger

A man was stabbed three times by a mugger wearing a Darth Vader disguise in Plaza Mayor in Malaga on the 21st.

AND Plaza Mayor Shopping Centre MalagaThe victim was a security guard charged with collecting the takings from several shops in this shopping centre,

The attack took place around 11:30h that morning. The takings collector had parked his motorbike in the parking area before heading off to the shops where he was due to collect.

Once he had the money in his possession (which was more than usual as it was just before Christmas) he returned to his parked motorbike.

However, once he got there, he found that his front tyre was flat and when he stooped to have a better look, a Darth-Vader-disguised mugger attacked him with a knife – not a light sabre, mind!

The assailant delivered three knife thrust to the victim’s side and then ran off with the collector’s backpack where he had placed the money.

Despite the facts that he was bleeding profusely and the tyre was flat, the victim managed to ride 200 metres to find help.

The wounds sustained nearly pierced a kidney and a lung but he is now recovering from the ordeal. The thieves (he had an accomplice waiting with a get-away vehicle) got away with 80,000 euros.

(News/Noticias: City & Metropolitan Area, Malaga, Andalucia)

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