Too Trusting with Satnav

A large articulated lorry became stuck in the narrow streets of Motril after his Satnav led him astray.

MOT Calle de Las Monjas 400x250This occurred around 18.00h on Thursday in the area of Convento de las Nazarenas in the Barrio de las Monjas, where he soon found himself stuck in a narrow, one-way street.

It took the efforts of the Policía Local to sort the situation out, both by closing down the area to normal traffic, as well as getting parked cars moved out of the way thanks to the collaboration of their owners.

Temporarily changing the one-way direction of a parallel street, which was also narrow but at least straight, they managed to ‘free’ the refrigerated lorry from its plight.

The driver had been driving along the ronda de circunvalación (Alcampo/hospital bypass) when he followed direction into the town near the Ermita de las Angustias, and driving down Calle Monjas some 900 metres before getting wedged in next to the convent.

(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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