Having new tarmac on a road is not always a good thing; especially when a lorry carrying such a load overturns on an autovía
The accident occurred near kilometre point 179 on the A-44, more or less abreast of Vélez de Benaudalla, around 15.15h yesterday and soon caused quite a tailback lasting all afternoon.
The problem was that the lorry toppled over, dumping its load onto the oncoming lanes, so traffic in both directions was affected. Road-maintenance crews had to close both north-bound lanes leaving only the hardshoulder for vehicles to use.
Even after five hours of trying to sort out the problem, the tailback persisted because of the improvised lane using the hardshoulder couldn’t cope with heavy traffic.
Another vehicle was involved in the accident as it was unable to avoid running into the back of the stopped lorry. However, nobody was injured but southbound traffic had also to channel into the single-lane, a bottle neck to get past the stricken vehicles.
(News: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)