The speed traps within the province of Granada generated a minimum of 3,316,200 euros during 2021 but it could be as much as six times more.
On the same note, it could be half that amount rather than many times more, so let’s explain why.
The DGT issued 33,162 speeding fines that range between 100 euros and 600 euros, depending on the excess speed over the limit in each case. So, the 3.3m euros is based on the minimum fine amount (100 euros).
On the other hand, if you pay within a certain amount of time you automatically get 50% off (hence half the total).
So, who are the chief culprits? The majority of speeding fines go to males between 25 and 34-years old. who on average exceed by 20 kph the speed limit.
The Penal Law Code considers it a criminal offence to exceed the speed limit by 70kph in towns and 80kph on open roads therefore, if you get clocked doing 200kph or more on an autovia/autopista you could be going to prison. The same goes for 110kph or above in towns or 170 and 180 on main roads (depending on if the limit is 90 or 100kph).
The ‘busiest’ static speed camera is on the A-44 (KM point 132) withing the municipal borders of Armilla.
Just over three drivers a day, on average, are nabbed in the province and over 100 drivers are doing time, especially the repeat offenders.
(News: Granada, Andalucia)
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