There was a road accident involving seven youngster all in one car on the GR-4131 where it passes through Vélez de Benaudalla.
The 18-year-old driver was not only overloaded passenger wise, but he also had no licence and gave a positive reading for drugs.
This incident occurred Sunday morning around 09.00h. Seeing that the car had too many people in it, the Guardia Civil patrol ordered the driver to pull over, but instead he sped off only to plummet down a 12-metre embankment.
Amongst the occupants there were several minors. Six were allowed to return home after having their injuries treated (cuts and bruises) but two others had to be taken to the general hospital in Granada where one of them remains in a serious condition.
(News: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)