Ten municipalities can reopen their non-essential businesses and a further eight can lift their municipal-boundary restrictions, as of Wednesday at 00.01h.
The Junta PM, Juanma Moreno, announced yesterday afternoon, coming changes to the system for deciding how and when municipalities can reduce their restrictions.
In the meantime the latest contagion figures show a continual decline over Andalucía.
Firstly, the municipalities that have dropped below 1,000 per 100,000 but remain above the 500 mark can now reopen their nonessential businesses, such as bars and restaurants, starting this Wednesday at 00.01h, if they have already completed their two week shutdown.
The municipalities that are included within this category are: Alquife, Baza, Cúllar, Deifontes, Huétor Vega, Ogíjares, Soportújar, La Tahá, Válor and La Zubia.
Of the municipalities listed above, Alquife and La Tahá have also dropped further than the rest and are now under 500 per 100,000, meaning if the Junta gives the go ahead, they can also lift their municipal limits restrictions.
The following are the municipalities that have fallen below 500 per 100k and will now be able to lift the municipal access restrictions: Álmuñécar, Alicún de Ortega, Cájar, Caniles, Jayena, Lecrín, Trevélez and Zafarraya, starting Wednesday 00.01h.
(News: Granada, Andalucia)
Town or Area | Population | 14-day
Figure |
Per 100K |
Granada | 914,678 | 6,857 | 746.0 |
Granada Sur | 148,829 | 723 | 485.3 |
Albondón | 728 | 6 | 842.7 |
Albuñol | 7,233 | 37 | 503.2 |
Almegíjar | 365 | 0 | 0.0 |
Almuñécar | 26,514 | 105 | 405.0 |
Alpujarra de la Sierra | 989 | 5 | 516.0 |
Bérchules | 716 | 1 | 140.4 |
Bubión | 296 | 8 | 2,684.6 |
Busquístar | 289 | 7 | 2,509.0 |
Cádiar | 1,453 | 4 | 273.0 |
Cáñar | 350 | 1 | 265.3 |
Capileira | 554 | 0 | 0.0 |
Carataunas | 194 | 0 | 0.0 |
Cástaras | 249 | 0 | 0.0 |
Guájares (Los) | 1,057 | 1 | 95.0 |
Gualchos | 5,193 | 15 | 289.0 |
Ítrabo | 988 | 1 | 100.9 |
Jete | 919 | 0 | 0.0 |
Juviles | 153 | 0 | 0.0 |
Lanjarón | 3,507 | 13 | 368.3 |
Lentegí | 326 | 0 | 0.0 |
Lobras | 145 | 0 | 0.0 |
Lújar | 488 | 0 | 0.0 |
Molvízar | 2,794 | 15 | 541.1 |
Motril | 58,020 | 326 | 557.6 |
Murtas | 467 | 1 | 219.8 |
Nevada | 1,050 | 52 | 4,850.7 |
Órgiva | 5,725 | 4 | 69.2 |
Otívar | 1,034 | 3 | 296.7 |
Pampaneira | 321 | 1 | 315.5 |
Polopos | 1,756 | 2 | 116.1 |
Pórtugos | 382 | 2 | 543.5 |
Rubite | 394 | 1 | 261.8 |
Salobreña | 12,381 | 46 | 367.6 |
Soportújar | 268 | 1 | 378.8 |
Sorvilán | 538 | 0 | 0.0 |
Taha (La) | 653 | 2 | 298.5 |
Torrenueva Costa | 2,682 | 14 | 500.7 |
Torvizcón | 648 | 0 | 0.0 |
Trevélez | 732 | 0 | 0.0 |
Turón | 239 | 1 | 431.0 |
Ugíjar | 2,523 | 34 | 1,350.8 |
Válor | 675 | 6 | 886.3 |
Vélez de Benaudalla | 2,841 | 8 | 276.8 |
Granada Nordeste | 98,043 | 987 | 1,010.1 |
Alamedilla | 574 | 8 | 1,406.0 |
Albuñán | 406 | 0 | 0.0 |
Aldeire | 615 | 18 | 2,857.1 |
Alicún de Ortega | 480 | 0 | 0.0 |
Alquife | 601 | 2 | 344.8 |
Baza | 20,412 | 195 | 954.5 |
Beas de Guadix | 329 | 2 | 607.9 |
Benalúa | 3,318 | 32 | 966.8 |
Benamaurel | 2,293 | 25 | 1,106.2 |
Calahorra (La) | 673 | 4 | 598.8 |
Caniles | 4,047 | 18 | 447.6 |
Castilléjar | 1,318 | 33 | 2,498.1 |
Castril | 2,070 | 9 | 445.5 |
Cogollos de Guadix | 673 | 6 | 934.6 |
Cortes de Baza | 1,869 | 11 | 596.5 |
Cortes y Graena | 996 | 3 | 305.5 |
Cuevas del Campo | 1,735 | 16 | 917.4 |
Cúllar | 4,129 | 31 | 757.8 |
Darro | 1,599 | 8 | 489.6 |
Dehesas de Guadix | 419 | 4 | 947.9 |
Diezma | 764 | 2 | 261.8 |
Dólar | 622 | 8 | 1,273.9 |
Ferreira | 299 | 0 | 0.0 |
Fonelas | 978 | 10 | 1,022.5 |
Freila | 918 | 3 | 319.5 |
Galera | 1,075 | 11 | 1,027.1 |
Gor | 733 | 3 | 403.2 |
Gorafe | 381 | 6 | 1,566.6 |
Guadix | 18,422 | 210 | 1,139.1 |
Huélago | 403 | 4 | 997.5 |
Huéneja | 1,184 | 1 | 85.5 |
Huéscar | 7,253 | 147 | 2,043.1 |
Jérez del Marquesado | 968 | 1 | 104.7 |
Lanteira | 588 | 2 | 354.6 |
Lugros | 323 | 3 | 967.7 |
Marchal | 417 | 2 | 483.1 |
Morelábor | 607 | 1 | 174.8 |
Orce | 1,190 | 5 | 421.9 |
Pedro Martínez | 1,107 | 33 | 2,899.8 |
Peza (La) | 1,178 | 16 | 1,371.0 |
Polícar | 276 | 0 | 0.0 |
Puebla de Don Fadrique | 2,250 | 31 | 1,385.2 |
Purullena | 2,293 | 23 | 997.4 |
Valle del Zalabí | 2,128 | 11 | 522.6 |
Villanueva de las Torres | 582 | 1 | 177.9 |
Zújar | 2,548 | 28 | 1,100.6 |
Granada (distrito) | 239,149 | 1,839 | 765.1 |
Beas de Granada | 977 | 8 | 816.3 |
Granada (capital) | 232,462 | 1,775 | 759.7 |
Huétor de Santillán | 1,877 | 25 | 1,328.4 |
Jun | 3,833 | 31 | 804.6 |
Metropolitano de Granada | 428,657 | 3,287 | 760.7 |
Agrón | 274 | 1 | 384.6 |
Albolote | 18,808 | 171 | 901.8 |
Albuñuelas | 821 | 2 | 249.4 |
Alfacar | 5,400 | 60 | 1,093.3 |
Algarinejo | 2,520 | 25 | 1,013.4 |
Alhama de Granada | 5,979 | 10 | 170.4 |
Alhendín | 9,349 | 68 | 715.1 |
Arenas del Rey | 666 | 0 | 0.0 |
Armilla | 24,174 | 144 | 591.6 |
Atarfe | 18,706 | 135 | 712.0 |
Benalúa de las Villas | 1,066 | 0 | 0.0 |
Cacín | 569 | 0 | 0.0 |
Cájar | 5,129 | 24 | 461.1 |
Calicasas | 617 | 7 | 1,097.2 |
Campotéjar | 1,237 | 4 | 325.5 |
Cenes de la Vega | 8,002 | 28 | 343.4 |
Chauchina | 5,565 | 96 | 1,729.1 |
Chimeneas | 1,257 | 17 | 1,358.9 |
Churriana de la Vega | 15,200 | 110 | 701.1 |
Cijuela | 3,322 | 31 | 907.8 |
Cogollos de la Vega | 2,031 | 27 | 1,345.3 |
Colomera | 1,309 | 0 | 0.0 |
Cúllar Vega | 7,429 | 45 | 596.3 |
Dehesas Viejas | 705 | 9 | 1,308.1 |
Deifontes | 2,627 | 14 | 538.5 |
Dílar | 2,054 | 7 | 334.6 |
Domingo Pérez de Granada | 890 | 5 | 569.5 |
Dúdar | 330 | 5 | 1,529.1 |
Dúrcal | 7,015 | 24 | 337.5 |
Escúzar | 791 | 24 | 3,034.1 |
Fornes | 555 | 1 | 179.9 |
Fuente Vaqueros | 4,406 | 113 | 2,577.6 |
Gabias (Las) | 21,115 | 168 | 779.8 |
Gobernador | 233 | 0 | 0.0 |
Gójar | 5,795 | 17 | 287.7 |
Guadahortuna | 1,935 | 13 | 694.4 |
Güéjar Sierra | 2,820 | 9 | 315.0 |
Güevéjar | 2,595 | 16 | 606.1 |
Huétor Tájar | 10,352 | 78 | 750.1 |
Huétor Vega | 12,039 | 105 | 872.5 |
Íllora | 10,054 | 75 | 745.2 |
Iznalloz | 5,134 | 32 | 625.0 |
Játar | 614 | 0 | 0.0 |
Jayena | 1,060 | 2 | 190.1 |
Láchar | 3,471 | 19 | 540.8 |
Lecrín | 2,134 | 10 | 463.8 |
Loja | 20,342 | 192 | 940.3 |
Malahá (La) | 1,781 | 28 | 1,569.5 |
Maracena | 22,116 | 171 | 766.6 |
Moclín | 3,651 | 13 | 358.9 |
Monachil | 7,939 | 44 | 549.5 |
Montefrío | 5,433 | 45 | 847.0 |
Montejícar | 2,113 | 6 | 284.4 |
Montillana | 1,189 | 1 | 88.6 |
Moraleda de Zafayona | 3,153 | 8 | 256.7 |
Nigüelas | 1,173 | 2 | 168.8 |
Nívar | 994 | 8 | 772.2 |
Ogíjares | 14,160 | 99 | 690.0 |
Villa de Otura | 6,952 | 27 | 386.7 |
Padul | 8,420 | 91 | 1,046.7 |
Peligros | 11,394 | 75 | 652.6 |
Pinar (El) | 877 | 0 | 0.0 |
Pinos Genil | 1,457 | 8 | 536.9 |
Pinos Puente | 9,930 | 155 | 1,566.6 |
Píñar | 1,138 | 3 | 272.0 |
Pulianas | 5,429 | 83 | 1,518.5 |
Quéntar | 933 | 11 | 1,161.6 |
Salar | 2,631 | 11 | 419.7 |
Santa Cruz del Comercio | 528 | 1 | 188.3 |
Santa Fe | 15,157 | 99 | 650.4 |
Torre-Cardela | 736 | 3 | 419.0 |
Valderrubio | 2,086 | 9 | 435.6 |
Valle (El) | 914 | 0 | 0.0 |
Vegas del Genil | 11,166 | 94 | 822.3 |
Ventas de Huelma | 640 | 5 | 761.0 |
Villamena | 948 | 3 | 321.2 |
Villanueva Mesía | 2,021 | 24 | 1,187.5 |
Víznar | 976 | 9 | 906.3 |
Zafarraya | 2,137 | 6 | 283.0 |
Zagra | 834 | 9 | 1,016.9 |
Zubia (La) | 19,155 | 193 | 998.4 |
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