The Policía Nacional arrested an employee at a Motril car showroom, suspected of taking a considerable sum of money from the company safe.
Police investigations began after the owner of the car dealership reported the theft, which took place around the end of July.
As there were no signs of a break-in, nor was the safe forced, suspicion fell on the staff; on one employee in particular because he had not reported for work since the money disappeared. The police searched for clues that would link the employee to the theft.
The police investigations concluded that the theft was carried out in the early hours of one morning when an unidentified man (he wore clothing to hide his idendity) deactivated the alarm by punching in the correct code. After a certain interlude the intruder reactivated the alarm and left, bearing the booty. This was captured on security cameras.
The police pulled the suspect in and under questioning he confessed to the crime, according to the police, explaining that he needed the money to pay for an addiction.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)