An Autonómos Reprieve?

SPN AutonomosThe Central Government appears to have changed its stance on self-employed workers receiving benefits during the duration of the lock down.

However, the Chairman for the Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Autónomos, Lorenzo Amor, remains cautious as the Government has still not officially announced it.

If it is indeed the case then autónomos will be able to receive 660 euros without having to darse de baja (terminate working status).

If it goes ahead you will have to ask whoever it is that does your tax declarations (gestor) to request a Prestación por Cese de Actividad.

The federation is still lobbying the Government to suspend the monthly payments that autónomos have to make for their Seguridad Social – the sum varies according to how much you make.

The thing is that the socialist government brought in a measure that was in effect a PAYE system (Pay As You Earn) instead of a fixed amount regardless of how much you earnt. If the Government holds to that system then logically if you are earning nothing (your business is frozen by the lock down), they you should be paying nothing.

(News: Spain)

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