The Marina del Este in La Herradura had a good summer with an average occupancy of 93% over the third quarter of the year. That is two percent up on the same period of last year.
So, who’s been parking their floating, ill-gotten gains (just joking) in the Marina you might ask? Well, the majority have been Spaniards, which is hardly surprising seeing as we are in Spain… although you could be forgiven for thinking otherwise if you’ve been to Nerja recently. (Sorry, Nerja; we love you really!)
So, after that little aside, the Spanish represent just over 84%, then, believe it or not, it was visitors from Malta (4.09%). Bringing up the rear were the Brits (3.36%) and the Germans (1.17%)
As for the vessels that these folks have been bringing in to tie up in a briny fashion, it has been the 15-metre long yachts (100%), although the Managing Director of the Marina, Manuel Raigón, goes on to mention 6.5m motorboats, which he said, had increased in usage there.
Anyway, shiver me timbers and keelhaul that man, Mr Christian, the Marina appears to be on an even keel, sort of thing.
Editorial note: Oh, by the way, the photograph is from a yacht that caught fire, engulfing other vessels in a marina somewhere else in Spain a year or so back, but as our article was unashamedly boring, we thought that we would spruce it up a little with a spot of fire and destruction.
Finally, yes, I’ve been at the sherry…
(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)