Nail Biting in Motril

MOT David Martin AxsiIt turns out that Motril’s election balance might not be the final results; everything depends on what a judge decides on Wednesday morning.

The gist of the matter is whereas the results stand at two seats each for Axsí and Vox, it could tilt towards the former having three and the later only one, which will alter the coalition calculations considerably.

The reason for this judicial decision is because the last voting-centre to go through its votes (the library in the Rambla de Capuchinos area) couldn’t give a final reading – it appears that around a score of votes couldn’t be accounted for.

Obviously, Axsí’s candidate, David Martín, is receiving plenty of calls from the PP, PSOE and Ciudadanos to find out what he plans to do if he has that extra seat. He, on the other hand, is waiting on his party’s decision.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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