A-7 Access Lighting

LHR Autovia Access Lighting OnLThe La Herradura, autovia, access road finally has its lighting system in working order; for the last decade it has been like the Black Hole of Calcutta.

It was in 2007 that this link-up junction between the N-340 and the A-7 was completed and users expected that the accompanying lighting system would follow shortly after, but follow it did not, as the years ticked by.

Let there be light, prompted the local tourism sector and the First Councillor of the village, but the lampposts remained sullenly… dark. The theft of copper cabling didn’t help, either, but the whistle-and-look-the-other-way attitude of the government held sway.

And of course, lit lampposts are not only business locations for people offering genital activity in exchange for pecuniary interest; they are a very important safety feature and integral part of the autovia system across the country.

(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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