Granada Rocks!

GRA Earth Tremors April18Sixteen earth tremors have been registered on seismographs yesterday around the provincial capital.

The first three were under Chauchina (airport area), two under Pinos Puente and one under Colmera, plus another two under Atarfe.

Ten earth tremors between 07.36h and 15.20h but all of them of a very low intensity; between 2.8 and 1.5 on the richter scale:

1.6 Mblg N/E Chauchina 19:32h

2.1 Mblg S/E Pinos Puente 14:58h

1.7 Mblg N/E Pinos Puente 13:20h

2.5 Mblg N/E Fuente Vaqueros 13:14h

1.7 Mblg S Maracena 11:29h

2.7 Mblg S Pinos Puente 08:43h

1.8 Mblg N/E Pinos Puente 07:49h

2.8 Mblg N/E Fuente Vaqueros 07:40h

1.5 Mblg N/E Pinos Puente 06:13h

2.1 Mblg N/E Fuente Vaqueros 06:10h

1.6 Mblg N/W Atarfe 06:09h

2.6 Mblg W Atarfe 06:07h

1.8 Mblg N/W Atarfe 06:07h

1.8 Mblg S Colomera 06:05h

2.8 Mblg W Pinos Puente 06:04h

1.7 Mblg S/W Pinos Puente 05:55h

2.7 Mblg N/E Chauchina 05:50h

2.1 Mblg Sw Chauchina 05:48:41

2.5 Mblg E Chauchina 05:36:30

Update: Since this article was written last night, there have been five more:

N/E Chauchina
2018/04/16 20:00h

N/W Fuente Vaqueros
2018/04/16 21:02h

N/W Lentegí
2018/04/16 21:52h

N Chauchina
2018/04/17 00:16h

E Fuente Vaqueros
2018/04/17 01:33h

Furthermore and lastly, just over the Jaén border there have also been over 150 earth tremors around Jódar and Peal de Becerro between the 21st of March and the 15th of Abril, with readings between 1.4 and 3.5 on the Richter Scale.

(News: Granada, Andalucia)

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