Goodbye Wooden Paseo

LHR Wooden Paseo RemovalMany of our readers will remember the wooden pier in La Herradura, as well as the wooden paseo. Well, the last vestiges of it all are finally disappearing.

The publicly owned company, Tragsa, has been hired by the Costas provincial office to pull down and cart off the last remaining section of the 90’s wooden paseo, which should be concluded this week.

This 50-metre-long section is situated in front of the Manuel Vaquero children’s park and consists of a pergola. Its last unofficial use was the venue for summer botellones (spontaneous, street, bottle parties). Consequently, not only did the workers have to carry away the large beams, but also a lot of accumulated litter from under the structure.

So what is going to happen to these beams? Well, Costas is going to use some of them as barrier posts to stop people parking on the roadside beach area in the Peña Parda area, bless their cotton socks.


The wooden paseo, in all its original glory, was made of old railway sleepers and constructed in 1999, costing a bucket-load of money, the funding for which was provided by Costas.

However, the locals were not impressed, considering it impractical and more appropriate of an Atlantic beach rather than a Mediterranean one, so in 2012 the Town Hall asked for its removal. This was done in various stages, concluding in 2013, except for this last part.


(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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