Motril’s New 4×4 Fire truck

MOT New Fire Engine OnLThe Motril bomberos now have an all-terrain, 300-horsepower, fire engine that has a capacity of 3,000 litres of water. This big red toy can ascend gradients of up to 25%.

The Mayor and a huddle of councillors handed over the keys of the vehicle, valued at around 260,000 euros – that’s the vehicle, and not the keys, that are not worth that much, of course…

It’s the first of its kind in Spain, having arrived from the Iveco-Magirus factory in Germany. It has, for instance, an automatic spraying system for the cab and wheels in case it finds itself surrounded by flames.

Although it is destined for rural fires, it can also be used in town, the Mayor pointed out.

Well, it should, at the very least, keep the night-shift occupied, polishing it, whispering sweet nothings into its exhaust and caressing the more suggestive parts of the body work…

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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