Unlikely Murderers?

Two deaf mutes have been sentenced to a combined total of 58 years for the murder of a man, and the attempted murder of his family. No doubt Dave will find the politically correct term for deaf mutes, but I have no idea what it is – I’ve been out of England too long.

Anyway, the provincial law court sentenced Juan R.D. and José Luis G.M. to 19 years each for the murder of the father of a family, and a further 13 years for each of the three attempted murders,  the mother and two children.

A third offender is Carmen H.F., who has a 70% handicap, has been sentenced to 14 years for her part.

So why did they do it? Apparently, it was all over an inheritance.

The crime took place on the 15th of October, 2012 at the family’s home in Armilla, Granada. José Luis, who is the stepbrother of the widow, turned up with his girlfriend, Carmen, and a friend, with the idea of doing away with the whole family.

(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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