A group of 40 walkers from Almuñécar had the chance to explore the upper end of Río Jate on a guided ramble.
The Almuñécar hikers club, run by the Town Hall, and led by guide Enrique Garín have stomped over a good deal of the province in the last year or so.
A bus took them up to Escobales, which is on the road up to Peña Escrita. From there they strode down to Cueva Rosa with its superb views of Los Castillejos.
After that, they followed an irrigation channel along Río Jate, braving head-hunting cannibals and crazed tax inspectors reaching the Cortijo de la Bóveda, dating back to the Romano/Visigoth period, where they bravely scoffed down a packed lunch.
From there they made their way to the shrine of El Cerval Alto and from thence, down the river itself emerging near the Castillo de La Herradura.
Good day out!
(News: Rio Jate, Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)