Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd and Four’s Illegal

AND Dog bylawThe Granada City Hall has just brought out a bylaw that effectively prohibits home owners from having more than three dogs or cats at home. Over that number it will be considered a kennel or cattery and require the requisite licence, etc.

It doesn’t mean that you can have up to three dogs and three cats, but any combination of the two kinds of pet that amount to more than three. Cat ladies, beware!

So, if you do happen to live in Granada and have, for example five cats, then you will need a certificate from the municipal vet and other health certificates. It doesn’t matter how big your house is, or whether you have an ample garden. If your pet does live in the garden, then they require special kennels or shelters to specific requirements.

So, in effect, you’re just going to have to get your moggies to draw straws and the one left holding the short one has to leave home…


(News: Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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