Tag Archive for pets

New Law Costs Lives

Today there is a province-wide strike amongst veterinary surgeons because of a change of law which has come down from Europe, which puts pets lives at risk.

Pets & Motril Port

Motril Port, thanks to an accord with shipping companies running the ferries, will allow tourists to bring pets in, in order to “favour the arrival of tourists.”

Canine DNA Bust

The Town Hall in Rincón de la Victoria have managed to track down dog owners through the DNA of the animal’s excrement, leading to them being fined.

Reader: Pets Banned?

Reader: I was reading that keeping practically all pets has been banned in Spain. This may be useful for Gazette to look into as a lot of readers may be affected.

New Pet Corner

We are trying to provide free space for all local animal assocations in a coordinated manner through our Pet Corner author. Help us, help them to find homes etc.