A German paragliding flyer/pilot/jockey/under-slung attachment had an accident up in the Gelibra area of Almuñecar.
Protección Civil, firemen, the Policía Local in Almuñécar and the Guardia Civil mountain-rescue unit took part in his rescue.
“The injured flyer phoned 112 and gave his position using map co-ordinates at around 14.00h,” said the Chief of the Almuñécar Protección Civil. He went on to explain that thanks to these co-ordinates they were able to locate him rapidly.
The man was not seriously injured and first indications point to a fractured ankle. The identity of the “downed blighter” isn’t known.
A Guardia Civil helicopter was also dispatched but only its stretcher was needed, which was put into use to move the man to the Protección Civil vehicle, which doubles as an ambulance.
The injured man was taken to the Almuñécar medical centre… interrogated and then sent to a prisoner-of-war camp for captured airmen. Argh, what idiot mentioned ze var!
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)