Las Maravillas Norte Connected

La Herradura is seeing quite a bit of maintenance and renovation work being carried out around the village; this time it is between Maravillas Norte and Camino Real.

Locals will be happy to hear that there will soon be a pedestrian street that connects Maravillas Norte with Camino Real which doesn’t involve a compass and sturdy lengths of scaling rope, but it is still not a route for the faint hearted! Furthermore, assures the First Councillor of La Herradura, Juan José Ruiz Joya, this work will eliminate damp for the adjoining houses.

The reform work consists of overhauling the old water main and sewage pipework and the building of a daunting flight of steps connecting Camino Real and Maravillas Norte.

“Locals have been complaining about the damp in the houses on the lower part, thanks to the bad state of the before-mentioned pipework. At the same time they have been asking for the street to be ‘urbanizado,'” explained the the councillor.

So, the Town Hall ordered a study and estimate of the costs before putting the project out to bid for 11,000 euros. Two local companies placed bids: Camacho Y Ruiz, who placed a bid for 9,400 euros.

The street, which you will probably recognize in the photo, is about 20 metres with an average width of two metres, requiring 60 steps and two resting places, because rests you will need!

(News: Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)