Shotgun Death Over 16-Year Old

A 20-year-old lad from Archidona (Malaga) died after being shot with both barrels of a shotgun, hitting him in the neck and head. It was 23.35h on the street of a small village near Loja. The 28-year-old alleged culprit, gave himself up to the police at 09.00h the next morning, after hiding out in the surrounding mountains during the night. It appears that the two young men had argued bitterly over an adolescent girl.

The victim was shot, twice, as he sat in his parked BMW, accompanied by a 16-year-old girl.

According to locals, the Malaga man had maintained a ‘sentimental relationship’ with the girl, who was studying at the local high school, but the relationship had terminated some time before. According to locals – not confirmed by official sources – the appearance of a photo of the alleged culprit and the girl on social network, Tuenti, sparked the dispute. This initial argument had ended with the Malaga man returning to Archidona to work, which is 20 minutes away from the said village, Fuente Camacho.

On the night of the incident, the victim had remained in Archidona until a little after 23.00h but 20 minutes later he was at an intersection on Calle Morales in Fuente Camacho, when ‘El Rubio’ allegedly fired through the side window, mortally wounding the victim, who later died on the way to hospital.

(News: Loja, Poniente de Granada, Granada, Andalucia)

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