The Town Hall has submitted a request to Costas (national coastal authority) for the dismantling and removal of the wooden square, which is all that remains of the pier and promenade that once adorned the Paseo Andrés Segovia.
The First Councillor for La Herradura, Juan José Ruiz Joya, says that this decision has been made, based on a report from Servicios Técnicos del Ayuntamiento, which concludes: “The area creates serious problems, both in its use, as well as its maintenance.”
As far as ‘use’ goes, it refers to its inadequate accessibility: it stands around 70 cm higher than the ground that surrounds it, which means that you cannot enter it from the beach side, and as for people with mobility problems, it’s quite simply inaccessible.
As far as maintenance goes: “this is what most concerns us, because as we cannot get underneath it; the accumulating rubbish could cause a health hazard,” in other words, it’s a rat’s Disney Land.
Then there is the question of aging; the surface is full of holes and is splitting in places, giving it an uneven surface, causing users to trip over (and be devoured by the rats below?)
For all the above reasons, the Town Hall wants shot of it, but as public coffers are wheezing in undernourished limbo, don’t hold your breath.
(News: La Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)