Tag Archive for pulido

Salobreña Against Evictions

The Mayor of Salobreña, together with representatives of other municipalities, signed an accord with the Junta de Andalucia entitled, Programa Andaluz en Defensa de la Vivienda.

Mayor Assaulted

The Mayor of Salobreña, Gonzalo Fernández Pulido (PSOE), was insulted and physically assaulted by an irate local over the weekend of the 9th/10th.

Salobreña Cuts Back

Whilst the governing parties in many towns in Spain have announced that the mayor and councillors will give up their Christmas bonus, the Town Hall of Salobreña wants to go a step further and cut the funds that political parties receive from the municipal coffers, which in this case adds up to 21,700 euros.

La Caleta VPO’s Continued

Neither the buildersn or the development company for the VPO’s (government subsidized housing) in La Caleta, Salobreña, have offered any explanation as to why the housing is not ready for handing over, as promised.


Whilst the Central Government is assailing the nation with cuts in public spending, coupled to increased taxes etc, the Mayor of Salobreña has apparently seen fit to increase his own salary in contrary to previous electoral pledges. Not content, he has also increased the salary of one of his councillors.

Salobreña & Its Camper Vans

The Town Council is going to approve new municipal regulations before the arrival of the summer, concerning the presence of campervans in the town. But doesn’t mean that they want to get rid of them, but rather find an official parking area for them.