Tag Archive for pa

Benny Slips But Doesn’t Fall

With the final vote count completed it appears that the Mayor has lost three of his ten councillor seats. However, with seven seats, his party is still the most voted, but only just. The Mayor had hired the old Idea shop premises to hold a victory party; it was widely expected that he might even…

The Odds and Sods

Well, it’s official; Benny is running for mayor in the May local elections – which is hardly a surprise, but when we asked him during a televised interview with him, he refused to confirm that he was.

Silly Suggestion?

There are few times that our dear politicians – and our local ones are no exception – get together and agree on something. When they do, it normally entails pay rises for themselves.

Political Bickering

PP claim they prevented the PSOE, IU and the PA from taking out a lawsuit against members of the Velilla and San Cristóbal