If there is one thing that you can say for the man who habitually skips around the city of Granada in the nick, despite arrests, it is that he is a determined soul.
Around the beginning of August an 18-year-old woman was found wandering naked and disorientated around the streets of Órgiva.
It started in Vancouver, Canada way back in 2004 and has become an annual even, with cities throughout the world taking part. This year we are talking about Mexico City… and, of course, the Annual Naked Bike Day.
Four protesters were arrested in San Francisco, USA, for being completely naked. The reason they were naked was to protest at the city’s ban on public nudity, the day of the protest coincided with the first day of the ban.
It appears that the coffin making trade in Poland is rather competitive, so much so that one particular firm has caused rather a stir by trying to improve sales with a calendar. So, how do you make coffins look interesting on a calendar? Easy, just get semi-naked women to drape themselves over the caskets.
There seems to be a growing trend of interrupting religious services at churches and what follows is just one more case of this. A man stripped off his clothes at the altar and launched a tirade of invectives against the congregation.