Tag Archive for lanes

Vega Solar Lighting

The Maintenance Department of Almuñécar Town Hall has provided a spot of vega lighting on the lanes behind the N-340 gasolinera… And they’re solar powered!

Gelibra & Rio Seco Alto Work

The Almuñécar Town Hall has busy up in Río Seco Alto and Gelibra, sorting the tracks out, as part of the Planes de Obras y Servicios Provinciales, Belonging to the Agricultural Board of the Junta de Andalucia, through which funds are made available for the improvement of rural-lane networks.

Dangerous Cycling Lanes

Which brings us on to the bicycle lanes along Velilla… The old set up, with parking on both sides of the road, but side-by-side, rather than in a line no only offered more parking, but it was also safer – let me explain.