Tag Archive for house news

House News

Firstly, special thoughts for Jes Rasmussen who writes our Danish Corner column as he is in hospital and is very ill. Wishing him a full recovery. 

Slow News Sunday

There’s not much to report on this Sunday night for readers to find here on Monday morning, so it’s a good chance to explain something about our article format.

Christmas Greetings

This is going to be the afternoon article for today, as the Seaside Gazette; its contributors and advertisers, would like to wish our readers a Merry Christmas.

Paper Edition Articles

For those who live outside the distribution area for the magazine in paper, or simply didn’t manage to find a particular issue, you can now catch up here.

The 8001st Article

Yesterday we reached the 8,000-article mark with the article on the Motril police and their seatbelt safety campaign, which is the second milestone this summer.