Motril Town Council has approved eleven new tourist flats within a proposed building on the Avenida de Andalucía.
Not all the apartments in the block of flats will be for this holiday use but some of the ones that are will be duplex and one that will be a studio flat in size.

Mayor Luisa García Chamorro considers that these new building licences issued are “very important” as it demonstrates that businesses from the tourism sector consider Motril to be an “important tourist destination.”
“Motril finds itself at one of its best moments and continues to grow in a controlled manner,” said the Mayor.
Editorial comment: This seems to running counter to the growing movement in cities to cut back on tourist flats as their growing number leaves young people looking for rentals as somewhere to live to be an impossible mission, given the exorbitant rents being charged.
(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
Keywords: Tourist Flats, Avenida de Andalucia, Mayor, Chamorro, Duplex, Studio Flats
news, andalucia, granada, costa tropical, motril, tourist flats, avenida de andalucia, mayor, chamorro, duplex, studio flats