Video Link with A Specialist Doctor

The Urology Department at Hospital Santa Ana in Motril has been dealing with patients via a video-conference link, called a videoconsulta.

So far, they have seen around 200 patients seen in this way, thus eliminating the need for a resident of Jete for example, having to go to Motril to speak with the specialist.

Some people would be uncomfortable with this kind of communication, which is why it is not obligatory, but rather something you can request. Furthermore this system is only used in certain clinical cases.

The system came into being at the beginning of last year in the Área de Gestión Sanitaria (AGS) Sur de Granada. In a summary of how this went last year, the average age of patients using this system was around 50, however, the youngest patient was an 18-year old.

More women than men have used video conferences with the urological specialist in Santa Ana (53% vs 47%) and the average duration of the online, face-to-face appointment was 21 minutes.

Oh, and by the way, the new Head of our Southern Health Board area, is a Salobreñero

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: Hospital Santa Ana, Urological Department, Video Conferences, Specialists

news, andalucia, granada, costa tropical, motril, hospital santa ana, urological department, video conferences, specialists

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