Top Marks for Motril Port

According to a recent studied brought out by the Universidad de Granada, Motril Port is one of the most accessible on the Spanish Mediterranean coast.

It points out that it has the best road access for road haulage coming from the south of the Region of Madrid, for example – autovía all the way, right up to the dock gates. This means that it is well placed for the logistic centres of Madrid, Zaragoza, Valladolid and La Junquera,.

According to the Chairman of the Motril Port Authorities, José García Fuentes, the connectivity not only benefits the logistics sector but also “promotes environmental sustainability as it reduces Co2 emissions produced by heavy road transport.”

Editorial comment: basically, the logic is that the more direct the route; the less overall pollution… and “sustainable” is thrown in because politicians love this word and use it whereever they can.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

Tags: Port, Accessiblility, Autovia, Southern Madrid, North Africa, Ro-Ro Ferries, Balearics, Tanger-Med

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