A Mammoth Award!

Padul Town Hall has bestowed the Golden Mammoth Award on the Plataforma en Defensa del agua del Valle de Lecrín, which is the maximum municipal award available.

GRA LEC Bottling Plant Protest copyThe award ceremony was part of the Día de Andalucía celebrations held on the 28th of February.

The Mayor of Padul, Celia Villena, explained why they had made this decision saying that it was for the disinterested work carried out by the citizen platform to protect the valley’s natural heritage by campaigning to avoid damage to the water table caused by the projected Cijancos, water-bottling plant.

She said that the administration had been following the platforms trajectory as the Town Hall shares its concern and is “similarly motivated.” She concluded by saying that the efforts of people who see water as a public good that should be preserved for future generations should be valued.

(News: Padul, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)

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