The Guardia Civil arrested a man in his 30s, suspected of carrying out two burglaries in Vélez de Benaudalla.
Both break-ins took place last weekend. In the first case the 36-year-old man allegedly forced open the front door to a dwelling and stole a TV and a DVD player.
The second break-in occurred on the same night in a nearby dwelling. The burglar climbed up onto a terrace and made off with a stove/heater and a bluetooth loudspeaker.
It was officers from the Guardia Civil post in Salobreña that carried out the investigation and made the arrest. Unfortunately for the thief, one of the properties had CCTV and the police were able to identify the person in the images.
The suspect already had four arrest warrants out on him and had been hiding from the Guardia Civil. However, on the 4th they located his whereabouts and arrested him.
(News/Noticias: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical Granada, Andalucia)