Salobreña Hiking Season

For the 8th year running, Salobreña Town hall in collaboration with Sinergya Sport have arranged monthly hiking routes; ten all told.

SAL 23:24 Hiking AgendaThe walks will not only explore our province, Granada, but also excursions in Almería and Málaga, as well, according to the presentation of the hiking agenda in the Auditorio.

As said above, there are ten hiking excursions, the first of which will take participants to the Peña de los gitanos in Montefrío on the 22nd of this month. The last route will take place on the 21st of July with a night walk through the Valle de Lecrín.

In between, there will be excursions up in the north of the province; El Desierto de Taberna in Almería and river routes in Málaga, such as Río Cájula and Río Turvilla. There’s even a trip to the Sierra Subbética de Córdoba.

Each hike costs participants 12 euros or 80 euros if you want to pay for the whole ten in one go. These prices always include the bus to reach start-off points and the journey back home, as well as guides and insurance coverage.

Participants have to be over 18 (children are permitted if accompanied by their parents or legal tutors). There is a limit as to how many people can participate, which is 50.

You can put your name down via More info calling 651 843 752.

(News/Noticias: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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