Each year the Guardia Civil destroy thousands of firearms that were either handed in or confiscated during police operations.
Many gun owners hand them in because they no longer wish to possess a firearms certificate (because they have reached an age where they no longer wish to use them or because of the bad condition of the guns in question).
The police also confiscate arms from people not legally qualified to possess them, or during police operations where firearms have been found along with drugs, for example.
This year, La Guardia Civil have destroyed 1,558 firearms and white arms (blade weapons) that they had amassed in their armoury in the city of Granada.
The material that has been destroyed are: 967 shotguns, 255 pistols, 108 revolvers, 27 carbines (air rifles) 61 rifles, seven machine pistols (submachine guns using pistol cartridges; i.e., 9mm for example), seven illegal weapons (pen pistols, for example), two crossbows and 124 weapons with blades. The total weight was almost 3,000 kilos (three tonnes)
The method for destroying them is using a furnace belonging to a foundry in Alcalá de Guadaira (Sevilla).
Editorial comment: Dids Hall and I will now hold a minute’s silence *Sob!*
(News: Granada, Andalucia)
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