Anyone for Kin ball?

Yesterday afternoon, Salobreña's Vuelve el Verano a la Costa Tropical commenced, providing beach activities for the second year running.

SAL Kin Ball 400x250The programme, comprising of 270 sports & games activities, is provided by the Mancomunidad de Municipios and the Provincial Council for the 17 municipalities belonging to the Costa Tropical, both seaside towns and ones just inland.

These activities for kiddies and youngsters run during July and August and take place on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays between 18.00h and 20.00h.

Everything is organised so that participants have a fun time and in complete safety.

One of them is Kin ball, which is a team-based game consisting of a huge ball that should not be allowed to touch the ground (sand in this case). However, a new game this year is Roundnet which consists of a small trampoline that is used to bounce a ball and each team must stop the ball from making contact with the sand.

Yesterday it was Indiaka and on Thursday it will be volley ball. Sunday will be archery.

(News: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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