Extra Summer Bus Routes

During July and August there will be extra bus services from inland Granada to the coast as part of the Programa Estival de Transporte al Litoral.

ALM Fajardo Buses 400x250The said transport programme is designed to gave greater access to the seaside for those that don’t drive or have no private transport, especially the elderly living in inland villages.

It is also part of the drive to get people to use public transport more.

This is a regional programme that includes 20 routes along the Andalusian coast and operates on Saturdays, Sundays and on bank holidays,

The ones in the province of Granada number five routes:

01) Lanjarón, Barreras, Órgiva, Puente Siete Ojos, Velez de Benadualla, Motril, Pueblo Mediterráneo & Motril Playa Poniente/Playa Granada.
02) Caniles, Baza-Zújar, Freila & Playa de Freila (Embalse Negratín). *
03) Lenteji, Otívar, Jete & Playa de Almuñécar.
04) Ítrabo, Molvizar, Lobres & Playa de Salobreña.
05) Guájar Alto, Guálar Faragüi, Guájar Fondón, Motril (Pueblo Mediterráneo) & Motril (Playa de Poniente/Playa Granada).

Each service will provide one run each way per day, with the exception of the Carriles-Playa de Freila one, which will provide two.

*Note: Route Two obvious doesn’t go down to the coast but to an inland “beach” on a reservoir.

(News: Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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