Tag Archive for Lentegi

The Dumper Kings!

Lentegí might be a tiny village with only 350 inhabitants but it was not going to miss out on visit from the Three Kings, even though a budget and narrow, winding streets impose their limitations.

Last Walk of 2023

The Almuñécar Sports Department, which organises the guided walks during most of the year, has announced its last one of this year, which is around the Lentegí area.

Todos Somos Daniel

Lentegí was the chosen location for the VII Jornada de Montañismo Solidario (Todos Somos Daniel) on Sunday the 22nd, attracting 247 participants.

Lentegí Wobbled

The earth tremor felt on the Costa Tropical has already made the rounds on social media… but we’re not proud and will cover it anyway.

Rain Drain Cleaning

The water, utility company, Aguas y Servicios is in the midst of clearing out rain drains on the Costa Tropical in preparation for the coming rains.