Risto Roasted

The TV presenter for Todo es Mentira, Risto Mejide, and his fellow host, Anabel Alonso, will have to face a judge concerning comments about antivax people.

SPN RistoBoth TV personalities on the private, nation channel, Cuatro, are due to appear on a charge hate crimes on the 24th of this month.

The judge considers that there is a case against them over comments made at the end of last year on the said programme as their words, “The reiteration of grave conduct… … could provoke, direct or indirect, feelings of hate, violence and discrimination against a group of people, contrary to convivience.”

So, what the hell did they say?

It was last November that Risto showed the audience a document containing details of a case being brought against him: “what I have in my hand is a denuncia against me, recommending that I get between one year and four years in prison.” He was visibly not pleased.

Some days before the TV presenter expressed the opinion on the measures that Singapore and Austria had taken against those who did not want the vaccine for ideological reasons: “the measures that practically turn those who are not vaccinated into apestados (loosely, lepers) which seems OK to me,” adding, “if you don’t want to get vaccinated, that’s your look out.” and “everybody should be respected but not all ideas are respectable nor deserve to be,” concluding with, “this is not a health question; we’re talking about people who have organised themselves around a dangerous idea for everybody.”

In one of their programmes, Anabel Alonso also made references to those not vaccinated through choice, “those that have been vaccinated should have some perogatives,” and “those that don’t want to be vaccinated should not have freedom of movement or permitted certain things.”

Editorial comment: Risto Mejide plays the Spanish ‘Simon Cowell’ on the talent show along the lines of Britains Got Talent, in other words, he plays the meanie with blunt and controversial comments

(News: Spain)

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