3rd Jab, No Appointment

On the 2nd of December the Salud Granada Sur facebook page stated that if you are over 60 you will receive an appointment via SMS. This has now changed.

SPN-Covid-Jabs-VaccinationThe latest announcement from the Southern Granada Health Area is that if you are over 60 and have still not received an appointment, you can obtain your third jab without an appointment on Tuesday the 7th at the Consultas Externas at Santa Ana Hospital in Motril starting at 08.30h.

Vaccinations will continue whilst vaccine stocks last and will be administered on a first-come, first-served basis. It is foreseen that by 14.30h it will have concluded.

When you arrive you will be given a number and told at what time you can expect the jab.

The note on the Salud Sur Granada does not offer more information than this; i.e., what type of vaccine it is. Take along your certificate if you have one and your TIE (ID card)

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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