The present Town Council cannot be accused of acting with alacrity when it comes to obeying court sentences regarding illegal buildings.
The building that was to be a hotel at the western entrance to Almuñécar, which stands in a skeletal state has received instructions from the Supreme Court for demolition yet Almuñécar Town Hall has done nothing to bring this about.
And now it is the case of an illegal building in Taramay and court instructions to have the doors and windows bricked up in 2011 and then after a failed appeal, the final judgement in 2016. The Town Hall has so far ignored these court instructions.
The result is that it has been occupied by squatters who have allegedly made illegal connections to mains electricity and mains water.
Locals have brought this to the attention of the Mayor, Trinidad Herrera, pointing out that the situation “has created a sense of unease and frustration for the residents of Taramay.” They have called upon the mayor to evict the people in the illegal house.
Chief opposition party, Convergencia Andaluza (Benavides) says that until now there has only been “silence and inactivity” on the subject coming from the Mayor.
“The Town Hall cannot just look the other way as it has the legal means at hand to solve the problem,” pointed out the CA Spokesperson.
Note: the house in the foreground is not the building that is occupied by squatters – the photos shows a group of houses, amongst which is the house concerned.
(New: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)