Motril A&E Needs More Staff

MOT Santa Ana A&EWe’ve been there before: Motril’s Hospital Santa Ana is short of doctors and nurses in the Accidents & Emergencies Department at the height of summer.

The Vice Chairman of the Sindicato Médico de Granada (medical workers union) Antonio Fernández, says that each summer a third of the medical staff go on holiday and the Junta just does not send in any temporary replacements. This, of course, coincides when the coastal population doubles and even triples.

This results in the staff on duty being swamped by demand and unable to provide efficiently the service expected of the Department.

“Yet another year we are denouncing a repetitive situation of precariousness in the Servicio de Urgencias at the Motril Hospital, claimed the Vice Chairman, adding, “year after year the remaining staff are enormously overburdened by the workload.”

The Junta, however, denies this, claiming that the health area of Granada Sur has seen increases in all departments.

Whatever the case, with the health demand imposed by the pandemic, things this summer are worse than ever, so much so that the said union consider that there can only be two outcomes for the overworked staff: go on strike, which would be a waste of time as the Government would impose a minimum service of 100%, or ask for a transfer to somewhere quieter.

(News: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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